The Power of the Tongue Life or Death
It has been proven to be a myth that the tongue is the strongest muscle in your body. But it has been proven that the tongue can be the deadliest muscle in your body. The word of God says that the tongue can have the power of life or death! Let that sink in for a moment! That what you have in your mouth and use to speak words can bring life and death!
A Living Sacrifice
“It is our duty and our privilege to exhaust our lives for Jesus. We are not to be living specimens of men in fine preservation, but living sacrifices, whose lot is to be consumed” Charles Spurgeon Sacrifice. A word not very popular, not many like this word, not many want to sacrifice anything. We like having possession. We like to be in control. We like to have things our way, in our order, in our timing!
You will know them by their fruits
Many people and things around you may be claiming they are from God. False prophets and false gods are appearing on social media platforms, movies, music, books and maybe someone around you! God talks about this! He says you will know them by their fruit! What does this mean? What does good fruit and bad fruit look Iike? How do we become fruit inspectors? What does our fruit look like?
Don’t be deceived, you may desire that fruit that looks good on the outside and as soon as you take that bite…it may be rotten to the core!
I choose to overcome!
Overcomer is a choice! A choice not to give up! A choice not to allow voices and opinions of others to effect you. A choice to move past adversity, move past hardship, move past frustration, and move past disappointment. Have you made your choice to overcome or be overtaken?
Shake off fear and move!
Have you ever experienced fear where your entire body was paralyzed and you could not move? A fear that prevented you from making your next move or moving forward! God is calling his children to Shake Off Fear, Choose Faith and Move!
Responding to Rejection- Part 2
Part 2 to Responding to Rejection. Don’t allow the rejection of others determine the direction of your life.
Responding to Rejection- Part 1
Have you ever been rejected by a friend? Have you ever been rejected by a family member? Have you ever experienced rejection from your husband or child? How about a coworker or a supervisor? Have you ever been rejected by a total stranger? How did you respond?
Thankful through it all
Being Thankful. Sounds simple...right? Many of us say we are thankful! Many of us say, “Thank You” when we receive something. A compliment. A gift. A favor. An order at Chick-fil-a.
What does a life of thankfulness look like? How did Jesus exemplify this life style of gratitude and how are we supposed to live a life of thankfulness even when things are not going so well. In times of suffering, how can we keep an attitude of gratitude and keep our perspective on thankfulness? Very good questions. Now let’s dig in.
A Harsh Word
Have you ever said something and then realized that there was a better way it could have been said or handled? There have been times in my life that I have regretted the way I handled situations or even my own wanting to let someone know how I feel! This has led to regretting the things I have said to someone.
Cry out
We face so many different hardships and trials in our lives. A breakup in a relationship or friendship, division within our families or home, loss of a job or career, addiction, depression, anxiety, dishonesty, distractions, busyness, the list can go on and on. Sometimes we face more than just one of these at a time. How does God want us to respond?
Adulterous Woman Caught
Mercy. Many of us have heard this word before, maybe in a sermon, maybe as a lyric in a song. Some of us have personally experienced mercy for ourselves. But there maybe some that do not fully understand mercy. You can’t give mercy if you don't understand mercy. Jesus gave us an example! A woman caught in adultery who received mercy instead of a death sentence. What to learn from this and can you receive that same mercy today?
Self Reflection
When you think of yourself what thoughts come to your mind? Do you think low of yourself, devaluing who God created. Or do you think highly of yourself and walk around bragging and full of pride? What does the word of God say on how we are to think of ourselves.
Do not grow weary
There are times in our lives that we are doing good! Everything seems to be going good, work, family, our relationship with God. But there are also times where we start feeling tired, weary and fall away from our time with the Lord. We loose focus and become weary….
Have hope the wall is coming down
One of Joshua’s distractions or detours that he had to come up against were the walls of Jericho. He made it into the Promise Land and now he had clear instruction from God on breaking down these walls. The walls of Jericho were built where no human power should break them down.
Sometimes in our life...God has given us a promise But there is a wall, a distraction, a circumstance that is preventing you from getting that promise. A wall that you keep running up against. A wall that is standing in the way of you receiving your promise. God is speaking to his people today just like he did to Moses, just like he did to Joshua…… What is your wall?
Forgetting what is behind
I used to feel like a stranger in my own body. There were days where I would put on a “happy face” and fake my way through my day. There were days where I went to work hurting and full of bitterness. There were days where I felt unloved and not appreciated by anyone. There were times where I asked myself, “How did I manage to get this way?” Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you question your circumstances?
A Sweet Friendship
Have you ever had a friend that was so full of love and happiness that it was contagious? Have you ever had a friend that could sense you were having a rough day, not knowing what was going on but just gave you a hug and said they appreciated you? Have you ever had a friendship that is refreshing to your soul?
Thoughts Running Rampage
So many thoughts running through our mind every day and night. Some of those thoughts are not from God. Some of those thoughts are destructive. Some of those thoughts trigger past hurts and self condemnation. Where do these thoughts come from? What does the Bible say to do with these thoughts? This is my story and how my thoughts ran rampage.
How he loves us!
What do people mean when they say God loves you? How does it feel to be loved by God? How do I know God loves me and forgives me for all the wrong I have done? These are questions that I asked throughout my teenage years into early adulthood years. Many of us, including myself may have grown up not “feeling loved”. Those who lived feeling rejected, shame, sexually abused, physically abused, suicidal, addicted may still be struggling with the idea of God loving them past all the dirt. If you ever felt like you have no value or importance you may struggle with the idea of not being loved. I know I did. But God is different. His love is different. God’s love is unconditional. His love has no boundaries. God’s love is for everyone...who wants to receive it?
Mothers of Influence
Every time you encounter someone of a younger generation it is an opportunity to influence them as a spiritual leader. But it is not always easy. Sometimes we women become weary! Sometimes we become impatient, irritable, stressed, angry and may lose sight of the influence we have on those around us especially the younger generation. I am here today to empower you and encourage you through scripture on how crucial it is to be a Mother of Godly Influence.
Dirty Hearts
Yeah, you’re pretty! Sure you look good! Walking around with those new clothes, manicured nails, fresh cut, perfect makeup and glam shoes. It’s hard to tell what’s true, what’s genuine in today’s world. We have rogue photographers capturing the perfect shot with Insta worthy families and many people now Facebook famous. Yeah, you look good, but how’s your heart looking? Fooling those around you is easy, God, not so much.