A Sweet Friendship
Have you ever had a friend that was so full of love and happiness that it was contagious? Have you ever had a friend that could sense you were having a rough day, not knowing what was going on but just gave you a hug and said they appreciated you? Have you ever had a friend who was wise but never judgmental and sent you scriptures that would give you hope for that day? I can say I have.
I think about her more and more as the holidays approach. She did loooovvvee Christmas! I mean she did make me wear deer antlers with little bells on them so that she can take a picture of the new backdrop she put together! Lol She was known as Ms. Moore-Beall. We were coworkers at the same high school. Tamara Moore-Beall was fun but yet strict. She was loud and boisterous but yet smart and determined. She loved the Lord and spoke of his goodness daily!
“A sweet friendship refreshes the soul” Proverbs 27:9
Tamara’s friendship was refreshing! I think about the times where I was at work sitting at my desk, exhausted from circumstances and problems that I was going through in my personal life. Problems in my marriage, problems with my health that she really didn't know details about. There were some mornings where I would come in and had to quickly dry my eyes, dust my shoulders off and try to go on about my day. But for some unearthly reason she would show up out of nowhere, like she had a direct message from God to come see me! There were times where she came to my office or saw me in the hallways and stopped to “check in” just to see how I was doing. She gave me words of encouragement without knowing what I was experiencing that very day. She gave me words that made me feel like I was going to make it, that gave me hope. She would tell me how much God loved me and he would be there for me to get me through whatever I was facing. She constantly reminded me of how blessed I was. She asked about my kids and my husband out of concern. She was a light to my dark times! She was the light of Jesus I needed at that time where my faith was small and spirit was broken.
“ A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” Proverbs 17:17
As time went on our friendship grew closer and closer. Daily text messages and scripture sending on a weekly basis. We both had a heart for young people. We both shared the love for at risk youth. She saw the “good” in everyone. We would talk for hours about this generation of young people who were lost and needed to be found! They needed to be loved. We both joined a youth mentor program. One day we took a group of high school girls on a trip. About twenty girls, heading to the family fun park to experience go karts and laser tag, most of them for the first time. We took many fun pictures! We laughed, and laughed and laughed! We both knew we needed it, just as much as the students did.
This friendship was a sweet friendship. Our friendship was not conditional. Our friendship wasn't the type where you got a text or call because one of us needed something. Our friendship wasn't the type of friendship where you called each other to talk about the new rumors and gossip going around town. Our friendship wasn’t about personal gain. Our friendship was simply based on love. The type of love that Jesus exemplified. A friendship that was to build you up without any type of competition whatsoever! We were sisters in Christ!
I thank God that I was blessed to have a friend like Tamara. After so many broken and hurtful friendships throughout the years, it was amazing to feel like I could actually trust someone once again. I believe the Lord placed Tamara in my life to show me that there are friends out there that can refresh your soul! The day I got the call...
It was mid February 2018, When I received the call. It was already dark out and I remember laying in bed watching the news. I heard my phone ring, it was my boss, “Betsy”. I said, “Yes”. “Something happened to Ms. Moore-Beall. On her way home from work, she lost control of her vehicle and hit a tree head on. Betsy she didn't make it.” My heart dropped. I couldn’t breathe. I didn't know what to say. I was in total shock. “But I just got a text from her earlier. Are you sure?” “Yes I’m sure. I’m sorry”. I began to cry and pray for her family.
Tamara Moore-Beall was loved by so many! She truly walked as a child of God loving those in her path and speaking life to them. Her death was sudden and unexpected. Her death was shocking to her family and the entire student body and staff. The next day, students walked around with red puffy eyes, teachers were quiet and the sounds of some bursting in tears echoed through the halls. Tamara was the light in our school. She was my sister in Christ who still to this day I thank God for. Tamara loved her family and her family loved her! She adored her kids and talked about their achievements and how proud she was of them. Everyone was hurting. Till this day I continue to hold on to our memories and just thank God that I had the opportunity to be blessed by her friendship. I thank God for the wisdom, encouragement and prayer that Tamara gave. I thank God that she was there for me on the good days and the bad days. I thank you Lord that you created Tamara with a contagious love and a heart for your word!
I would like to share with you all the very last scripture I received from Tamara on February 17, 2018, 6:52 PM.
“This is what the LORD says: “Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls.” But you reply, “No, that's not the road we want!” Jeremiah 6:16
Sometimes in life we have to make decisions in which way we should go. Some of us stay on the path God has for us, some of us go in the wrong direction and some of us take a long time to decide and sit at the crossroad, not knowing which direction to go. Tamara always encouraged me to continue on the path for the Lord. She encouraged me to be obedient and trust God! Even though we may not understand God’s plan, even though it may not make sense to us, trust his plan! She trusted and obeyed the Lord. She cheered me on as I made the decision to become a youth pastor! She prayed over me and my husband as we began our journey in ministry together. I was truly a better person because of her. May she rest in peace and live forever in our hearts! Thank you Jesus for a friend that was refreshing to my soul!
Lord I thank you for Tamara Moore-Beall. I thank you that you created her life with purpose and destiny. I thank you for all the lives that she impacted and the love that she freely gave to those around her.
I pray that you continue to bless her family, her sons, her daughter and her mother. I pray you provide an abundance of blessings in their lives. I thank you that you give us the opportunity to one day see our loved ones again, in heaven (as long as we live right by you). May Tamara’s memories continue to live in the hearts of those who knew her and loved her. May we continue to walk on the path you have set before us and trust your plan! In Jesus name, Amen!