Sharing a testimony is a form of praising and honoring our heavenly father.
Give God all the honor, all the praise for what he has done in our lives and the lives of others through us!
“But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me. And you also will bear witness, because you have been with me from the beginning” John 15:26-27
“My father was an alcoholic, my grandfather was an alcoholic. Alcohol was involved in every family gathering as far as I can remember. As I grew older I drank socially with friends after long weeks at work. I later found myself wanting to drink more and more. I drank to celebrate holidays and achievements. I drank when I had a rough day. I drank when I was alone, I drank when I felt depressed and soon enough it was quickly out of control. I drank till I passed out. I was in my late 20’s when I found myself crying out to God, buzzing, kneeling on my bathroom floor. I begged God to forgive me and asked him to take the desire and taste of alcohol from me! I did not want this life anymore!
It has been 4 years and 7 months that I have not had a sip of alcohol or the desire for it! This generational curse has been broken off of me and my family!
— Jesus set me free!
“I was diagnosed with a chronic kidney disease 10 years ago. About a year after being diagnosed, I attended a women's breakfast at church where I received prayer. I felt the power of the Holy Spirit touch my body from my head to my toes. Ever since this encounter, I visit my kidney doctor once a year. Every year he tells me my tests show my kidney function has improved more and more without any medical treatment. 10 years later, my kidney function is better than it was 10 years ago!”
— Jesus is my healer
Share with us what God has done for you and your family!
Testifying encourages and empowers other woman who may be going through a similar situation. Allow God to use your TEST-imony to bring hope and faith to others! God is faithful and his promises are true! Let’s give God all the honor and all the Glory!