Thoughts Running Rampage

So many thoughts running through our mind every day and night. Some of those thoughts are not from God. Some of those thoughts are destructive. Some of those thoughts trigger past hurts and self condemnation. Where do these thoughts come from? What does the Bible say to do with these thoughts?

There were times throughout my life where my night was tormented by anxiety and worry. My sleep was robbed by the thousands of thoughts questioning my every move that day. Did I say that in love? Did I give adequate attention to my husband and my children? Did I pay that bill on time? Did I complete the task I had on my list today? Did I call my parents and check on them? Did I do what God wanted me to do today? Was it my fault? Could I have done things differently?  The thoughts of recounting my every action were a burden I held over myself daily. Certain thoughts had triggered memories and past hurts that would lead me back to a state of depression. My thoughts were running rampage! 

Several years ago, I was clinically diagnosed with insomnia and was on prescription medication for three years! Prior to this I tried every natural remedy you can think of or google. Some included teas, vitamins, supplements, remedies and natural oils. I was searching for peace and tranquility in everything except God. I was desperate to be in peace with myself and be set free from this torment. It was time to get off the meds, it was time to take control of my thoughts and sleep in peace! And this is how I did it… 

I have taken what the apostle Paul has written in 2 Corinthians 10:5 and had to apply it, learn it and live it everyday! That includes making yourself accountable to certain ungodly thoughts. Paul clearly states to make those thoughts obedient to the Lord! 

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” ~ ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭10:5‬

Take every thought captive! Those thoughts that make you question your god given abilities. Those thoughts of anxieties, worries, fears, doubts, hate, jealousy, envy, temptation and worthlessness. Those thoughts that are not from the Lord but keep you from resting throughout the night... take those thoughts captive! This is an action that must be taken in order to take authority over the lies of the enemy! You ask...taking authority from who? Taking authority over the enemy who uses certain tactics to lead you in a state of torment and emotional unrest! 

Taking authority over these thoughts allows the Holy Spirit to then speak truth over the lies of the enemy! You are beautifully and wonderfully made! You are not fat and ugly. You are chosen, a royal priesthood, you are not a mistake and a failure. You were born on purpose for a purpose. When we begin to replace the voices of the enemy with the promises of God we begin to acknowledge the power of the Holy Spirit who brings life and peace to any situation. Taking authority may be something that is completely out of your comfort zone. Jesus clearly stated in Luke 10:19,

“I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” 

You have been given authority! Now use it! Use it over those negative thoughts about yourself. Use it to overcome temptations that satisfy your fleshly desires. Use your authority to break generational curses that may still be in your family. You know those thought patterns and attitudes that you’ve seen in your mother and your grandmother and sometimes you see it in yourself. Use your authority and break free from them! Jesus himself stated you have the authority! The enemy is sneaky, he comes to steal, kill and destroy our lives, our families and our relationship with the Lord (John 10:10). But because God loves us so much he sent his one and only son, to die for our sins and defeat sin! Jesus said he has given us this same authority to OVERCOME Satan! 

Wow talk about a game changer! You mean i don't need to stay down, depressed, obsessed, sick, tired, addicted, lost and defeated! NO Jesus said… Trample on snakes and scorpions (the culprits of the enemy). 

Lord I need you to help me with this. Lord, I need you to help me recognize when I am being tormented by these thoughts and recognize the enemies lies and take them captive. Jesus empower me to take authority over thoughts of destruction and break free from the deception of the enemy. Allow me to walk in your calling and purpose for my life without being double minded and second guessing the blessings you have for me. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen! 

May we remember, beginning this very night, to take every thought captive and rest in his presence. May we declare that joy comes in the morning and when we arise we declare and decree the favor of the Lord is with me!


A Sweet Friendship


How he loves us!