A Harsh Word
“A soft and gentle and thoughtful answer turns away wrath, But harsh and painful and careless words stir up anger.” ~ Proverbs 15:1 AMP
Have you ever said something and then realized that there was a better way it could have been said or handled? There have been times in my life that I have regretted the way I handled situations or even my own wanting to let someone know how I feel! This has led to regretting the things I have said to someone.
I would cuss all the time! Almost every word was a cuss word. And when I was angry or wanting to get my point across, the words became louder and worse. This became normal for me. If you made me mad, I cussed you out if I got the chance!
Even with my kids I found myself just cursing at them all the time! I noticed that it would hurt their feelings. I thought if I cussed, they would listen better. I did not realize at the time I was really doing more harm than good.
As I started to seek the Lord during this time, I knew that my foul mouth needed to change! Here I am asking the Lord to help me be better and praying, but still ready to cuss someone out! I still wanted to blow up on them because they crossed me wrong or just sometimes a simple misunderstanding. But I couldn’t see it that way.
I will never forget the humbling day that the Lord helped me change the way I was often handling situations with my answers and words!
That was the day my child got in trouble and I was so mad at her. I remember standing in her room as she sat on the floor. I was giving her all that was in me to say to let her know that I wasn’t happy and just how wrong she was. As she sat and cried, I will never forget after I stopped talking, she looked at me with tears in her eyes and said “Why do you have to cuss me like that, your words hurt”?
At that moment God humbled me! Some days had passed and one day I came home from work. I remember watching an episode of Steve Harvey on YouTube. It was the one where one of the Duranice Pace was giving her testimony and she sang her song. TREASURE. As I watched, God began to speak through that song to me and he began to show me my daughter sitting on the floor crying. He begins to speak and shows me different times where I wounded her with my words. I got up and went to her room and just sat on her bed and cried. I prayed to the Lord, to help me with my words, to take the cussing away! Y'all there was a cool breeze that came through that room and I just cried and prayed even more!
That day, the Lord changed my speech. He took the words, he also took the thought of those words! God took the cursing from me when things would upset me. I have been delivered and set free! I learned how to deal with it without using hurtful language. I learned to think before I speak! I learned to respond with a positive response or no response at all. I THANK God for helping me through and changing my heart!!!
Let’s Pray:
LORD I just thank you for being a good Father! I thank you that when we cry out to you for help you meet us right where we are with open arms. I thank you for changing my speech and instead of my words doing harm, you gave me words of Life and Hope! GOD I pray if anyone is suffering with the way they respond to situations or people I pray you help them! I pray they seek you in dealing with it and not responding in a way that may harm someone else or even themselves. I pray you deliver them from saying hurtful words and use them for words of love! God I thank you for loving us. In Jesus name Amen.