Freedom of Forgiveness
Betsy Segura Betsy Segura

Freedom of Forgiveness

Forgiveness! A powerful word. An act that can break generational curses! An act that can heal years of hurt and abuse! Forgiveness is an act that Jesus commands (Matthew 6:14). An act that seems so impossible at times. A word that sometimes we refuse to do because it just hurts so bad! An act that when not accomplished can imprison you in bondage. Forgiveness is an act that we freely get from our heavenly father but we don’t deserve. Forgiveness is a powerful expression of love! Choose freedom of forgiveness!

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Peace I need you!
Betsy Segura Betsy Segura

Peace I need you!

Have you ever felt stressed? Have you ever felt stressed to the point where it physically affects your body, your mind, your attitude, your day and even your year? Stress is like a sneaky little thief that comes to steal your peace in seconds. How can we regain our peace after this attack of stress on our lives? What does Jesus say about having peace?

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Beauty for Ashes
Betsy Segura Betsy Segura

Beauty for Ashes

The hurt and pain that we experience as humans can either break us or make us! It can be difficult to live an everyday life shattered and broken. I am here to tell you that only the Lord can take this pain for an exchange of complete inner healing! God will give you beauty for ashes!

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Distracted Faith
Betsy Segura Betsy Segura

Distracted Faith

Life will throw distractions at you that are specifically designed to take you off course if you allow it. Keeping your eyes on Jesus is now more crucial than ever to fulfill your God given purpose. Are you walking on water or sinking? Is your faith distracted?

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