Peace I need you!

Have you ever felt stressed? Have you ever felt stressed to the point where it physically affects your body, your mind, your attitude, your day and even your year? Stress is like a sneaky little thief that comes to steal your peace in less than .25 seconds. How can we regain our peace after this attack of stress on our lives? How can we hear God’s still small voice in the rambunctious world we live in today?

For many years I lived under constant stress, even at a young age. You would think the only thing that would stress a child out is when the TV goes out and they’re unable to watch their favorite cartoon on a Saturday morning! Unfortunately, there are many young children who are living in stressful environments sometimes hostile. Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. Stress can come from any event or thought that makes you feel angry, frustrated, nervous, worried even fearful. Stress is different for everyone. What may stress me out may not be stressful to another person. Sometimes stress can feel like an overload. An overload of expectations, an overload of household chores, an overload of financial responsibility. Some people may become stressed due to a diagnosis they or a loved one has received. So many things going on in our world today that keep us from the presence of peace. So many situations occur out of our control yet have control over our peace. Picture the world spinning at a rapid rate. Imagine you standing completely still and unable to balance it all out. This picture may be someone’s reality. But there is hope! There is a way. When things feel overwhelming and out of control you can have peace and find balance.  

Peace I need you! I long for the Prince of Peace. I can imagine myself sitting with the Prince of Peace just drinking the most amazing cup of freshly brewed coffee and marinating in his Holy presence. Jesus is the Prince of Peace! Jesus is my balance when the world is spinning out of control. When the world is worried about running out of toilet paper and hand sanitizer during a worldwide pandemic...Jesus is my peace! When the world is in fear of sending their children to public school due to getting exposed to a virus...Jesus is my peace! When my body feels completely drained and over worked...Jesus is my peace! God we need your peace every day! I need your peace throughout the day and into the night! I need peace in my home, at my workplace, at my kid’s school, at my church, in my neighborhood and in our world! Jesus is our Peace!

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27

In this passage Jesus is speaking to his disciples. Prior to this passage Jesus has advised his disciples that he will be going away (John 14:18-19). I can imagine in that very moment when Jesus says, “The world will see me no more” the disciples' heart’s drop. I can imagine the disciple’s blood pressure spiking and stress trying to creep around the corner. Jesus quickly reassures them by making a promise that the Holy Spirit would be with them, to help them and teach them (John 14:26). Jesus says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you”. This is the type of peace that no matter what the situation is, no matter what the circumstances are...he will give you peace! This is not the type of peace the world gives. The world may offer peace as if the problem or circumstance came to a solution. The world may offer peace as an instant stress reliever masked with alcohol and prescription medication. The world may offer peace as a one-night evening event or instant gratification. No matter what the world may offer you it will not compare to the lasting peace of the Holy Spirit. God’s peace fills you up when you feel empty. God’s peace allows you to sleep through the storm. God’s peace gives you confidence in knowing God is in control of ALL things...not just some things but ALL things.

“Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid”. When Jesus is in control of all things and you allow him to be, there is a peace that surpasses all understanding. Knowing and believing that God is control of all circumstances, of all situations, of all relationships, of all medical diagnosis, of all finances, of all the world...there is an overwhelming peace that overtakes the stress that tries to rise up in difficult times. It may be easier said than done. As human nature we want to fear the unknown. Throughout this current COVID-19 pandemic I have allowed my mind to wander. I have allowed my peace to be overtaken with the “what if’s?” What if I get exposed, being an ex cancer patient. What if my daughter unknowingly brings it home from working at a fast food restaurant. This is when stress starts to creep it’s ugly head. I am a child of God. I have taken the appropriate steps to prevent contamination and so is my family. It is very real to have peace during a pandemic. Peace includes not allowing these thoughts torment you into fear and anxiety. I believe in the promises of God and he says not to be afraid. Jesus is in control of all situations, including the current pandemic. Stop, take a deep breathe and allow the peace of God rule over your thoughts.

 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:6-7.

With Jesus’ peace we have no reason to fear. The peace of God moves into our hearts and into our lives kicking out stress that tries to overtake you with worry and fear. Jesus says he will give us this peace if we are willing to accept it from him. If your life is full of stress, allow the Holy Spirit to fill you up with Jesus’ peace! It is a blessing when your not stressing!


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