I choose to overcome!

We all have choices to make. Some people refuse to make a decision because of the fear of making the wrong choice. Some people are pressured into the wrong choice. Some people make choices by given into temptation. Some people make choices fueled by selfish ambition. Some people blame their bad choices on others. Choices are daily! Choices can be simple, complicated or even life altering. Your choices can effect your spouse, children, family, friends and even people around you. I had made many wrong choices throughout my life, but I have also made many right choices thanks to the Holy Spirit. One choice that I continue to make daily is the choice to overcome! I choose not to remain victim, I choose not to be stuck in disappointment, I choose not to allow circumstances and situations to affect my faith and hope! I choose to be an overcomer! Overcomer is a choice! A choice not to give up! A choice not to allow voices and opinions of others to effect you. A choice to move past adversity, move past hardship, move past frustration, and move past disappointment.

“Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” Phillipians 4:11-13

There was a time where I did not choose to overcome! There was a time that I allowed circumstances to torment my mind, disrupt my sleep and steal my appetite. There was a time that I chose to remain victim, to remain broken, to remain angry and hurt. Those were the days where my circumstances and situations controlled my emotions and effected my actions. There were days where I chose depression over friendships. I chose isolation over socializing. I chose sadness over joy. I chose hate over love. I resisted from allowing God to heal me, cleanse me and establish me. This kept me in a place of darkness. But I see now that I had a choice! I had a choice to remain in a pit of despair or a choice to get down on my knees and overcome with the Great I am. I had to make a choice, to continue to figure things out on my own or allow God to direct me, strengthen me and heal me!

“Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.”

1 John 5:5

Overcome the world… you mean this world of war, violence, racism, division, hate, jealousy, lawlessness, addiction, confusion, selfishness, perversion…you have the choice! The choice to believe in the Son of God! The choice to seek the Lord with all your heart, all your soul and all your strength. That in those times that you feel like your barely hanging on by a thread that you call on the name of Jesus and that you believe in Him! You have a choice to be of this world. You have a choice to allow the world to influence your mind, your actions, you emotions.

“You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4

You have a choice to accept Jesus as your Lord, as your savior, as your deliverer, as your provider, as your refuge! You have a choice to allow God to live inside of you and a choice to OVERCOME by the power and the blood of the lamb! Get up, dust your self off, and know who you belong to. Know who your father is! It is critical to believe in the most high God, that he will establish you and give you strength in times that you are weak he is strong! You must make the choice to overcome and not allow the circumstances and situations to take you out!

“ He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.” Isaiah 40:29

Let’s Pray:

God I thank you Lord that you love us. I thank you Lord that you have claimed us as your child. God I thank you that you sent your one and only son to die for me that I can be forgiven of all my sins and one day live in eternal peace. Lord thank you that you give me strength when I am weak. Lord I thank you that you provide all for all my needs. Lord I thank you that you came back to rescue me. God I thank you that you have set me free and that I can live in liberty. Lord I pray for those who feel like giving up. Lord I pray for those who choose to live in hopelessness, I pray you fill them up with hope. I pray for those who are isolated and depressed that you shower them with your love! Lord I pray that we choose to overcome everyday and yield to your will and way! In Jesus name Amen!

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” Elanor Roosevelt


You will know them by their fruits


Shake off fear and move!